Join A Journey to Freedom Group
Journey to Freedom is an eight-week group, offering a safe and encouraging place for participants to step out of contemplating change and into real action.
Do you have questions about the purpose and meaning of your life? Are you struggling in new and unexpected ways? Or have past struggles that you thought were over resurfaced? Do you want more clarity and hope for your future?
With honest dialogue directed towards laying a foundation for change, Journey to Freedom creates a common language so that all can share without fear of judgment. This foundational group is the heart of Restore Small Groups’ program.
What does Journey to Freedom address?
Understanding the true nature of hope
Recognizing and responding in a healthy way to your feelings
Silencing the inner critic, learning self-love and overcoming toxic shame
Identifying healthy relationships
Grieving unresolved and unspoken loss
Healing the past and seeing new possibilities for the future
Finding connection and universality in the human experience
Creating a Plan of Change to help move forward to next steps
Join A Journey to a New Beginning Group
Journey to a New Beginning After Loss is an 8-week group process that helps heal the unacknowledged losses and disappointments in your life. From birth, we all experience deeply profound losses that shape our stories and circumstances.
Grief impacts us through intangibles like loss of dreams, expectations, hopes, innocence, trust, security, belonging, self-image or self-worth. Or through tangible losses like financial security, health, a job, friendship, relationship, marriage, pet, home, community, children leaving home, retirement or the death of a loved one.
Have you allowed yourself to truly grieve these losses? Do you feel that current losses bring up painful reminders of previous losses? Does lingering regret or resentment hold you back from a full life?
In Journey to a New Beginning After Loss, you will be given the tools to:
Process the sadness, anger, resentment and loneliness associated with loss both past and present
Identify losses that have accumulated throughout the years and need resolution
Give yourself permission to walk through the stages of grief for any loss that impacted your life
Understand what forgiveness and acceptance truly mean and what they look like for you
Join A Journey of Transformation Group
Journey of Transformation is an 8 week course designed to take participants even deeper into their story and to a place of sustainable life change. It is a contemplative journey to help you understand your personal story and inner life more fully and compassionately. It will guide you through the stages needed for internal transformation, and allow you to find your own path toward emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being. In Journey of Transformation you will learn about:
Understanding the true nature of transformation
Developing a healthy paradigm
Identifying toxic messages that control behavior
Breaking the habit of being yourself
Letting go of fear, shame, insecurity, and doubt
Making decisions between stimulus and response
How past failure controls our thoughts about the future
Finding your North Star
Creating the life you've always wanted